Stronger Together
Citizen after citizen comments on how fortunate Oklahoma is to have tribal nations headquartered here. They use words like “generous,” “steady,” “vibrant” and “strong” to describe the tribal presence and impact. And they tell story after story of how these same tribes are benefiting communities — supporting them in ways seen and unseen.
Tribes Fight Childhood Hunger
Many low-income families throughout Oklahoma struggle to put meals on the table during the summer months after the school year ends. The summer nutrition EBT program provides essential funding to qualifying families, whether they’re tribal citizens or not, to ensure the most at-risk children get the food they need. When tribes noticed a void in their communities, they stepped up to fill the gap, working with schools, families and each other to take care of the people that need it most.
With the Coronavirus pandemic, tribal nations have once again stepped up. From providing initial testing to supporting those in need and delivering vaccinations, tribes have been a valuable community partner. You can read more about the tribal response to the pandemic below.
Featured News

Cherokee Nation and Tahlequah announce sidewalk project spanning 4.4 miles

Repurposed emergency facility reflects Chickasaw Nation’s disaster preparedness